Application Questions



                                                  APPLICATION QUESTIONS 

I'm so glad you're interested in The Way of the Shroud™.  Here are a few questions to ponder and to help you know if this is right for you.

Ready? Okay...let's make some space to relax into this process.  You might pour yourself a cup of tea, light a candle and sit in a comfortable chair, or at your desk.  Take some time to think about these questions. Print them out if you like, and read them over.  When you're ready, write your answers to them, along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. There are no "wrong" answers so just write from your heart.  When you're done, send them to me, Marian, at and then we can schedule a follow up phone call.

  1. What is an early memory you have about death? 
  2. What messages has your family given you about death?
  3. What is your spiritual tradition or path, and what does it teach you about death?
  4. Talking or thinking about death is still a bit of a taboo in conventional society.  Think about your comfort level when discussing death.  Where does it feel easy? Where does it get hard?
  5. Are you a person who likes the idea of deep self-exploration with guidance and in community?
  6. Would you feel comfortable participating in a ceremony that invokes deeper insight?

    The last question requires that you engage your deep knowing and your imagination, since it asks you to think about something you've most likely never seen, heard of, or done;
  7. Imagine yourself in a circle of womyn whose aim is to share beauty and creativity while making sacred burial garments. Can you see it in your mind's eye? (you can go back to the initial invitation to get a jump-start on this.)  Make it as vivid as you can, and then spend at least 5 minutes there (or more!) allowing yourself to explore.  Try using all of your senses- sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing- to build the picture. 
    Now..notice how you feel.  How does it feel in your body? How does it feel in your mind? How does it feel in your heart?


Okay!  Send it all to me.  I'm looking forward to talking with you about your answers.  


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